Reservations may be made up to 2 weeks in advance and must be canceled at least 2 hours prior to the start of class. If you reserve in advance and no-show without canceling 2 hours in advance, or late cancel, a class will be deducted from your account if you have a drop in card. If you have an unlimited membership we will charge your account $15 for a late cancel and $20 for a no-show.

All clients that have an Unlimited Membership (Students included) must have an up to date credit card on file.


Please do not talk or text or answer your phone during class. If you have a job where you are on-call or you may be needed for any other reason, please keep your phone on silence/vibrate and find a spot close to the exit in case you absolutely have to answer it.


While an instructor is explaining class format or form, please respect that everyone can clearly hear the instructors intentions for the class. It is imperative for safety and for getting the most out of the workout. Some classes may provide an environment where dialog is appropriate and encouraged, but use common sense. If you're in a cycling class and an instructor is leading you in an intense series of sprints......not the best time to start chatting with your neighbor (and we'll just make the workout harder)!


We know that your life doesn't always fit perfectly with our schedule. We do ask that everyone be on time for class. It can be very disruptive to the flow of class and the most important information is usually given out in the first 5 minutes of a class. Classes are getting busier and if you are late, you risk losing your spot to a walk-in client. We start releasing reserved spots 2 minutes before the start of class to walk-in clients. We understand that there are times when you have to leave early. We are totally ok with that. We just please ask that you exit as discreetly as possible. A few things that can make a big difference if you are leaving early:

  1. Find a spot close to the exits as to not have to weave through the class.

  2. Grab disinfecting wipes ahead of time so you can sanitize your equipment.

  3. Let a friend in class or the instructor know that you'll be leaving early.

Many times unexpected arrivals or departures can throw off the instructor and the flow of a class. If you can let the instructor know at the beginning of class that you will be leaving early, then they are prepared for your departure (and not worry that you just hated their class!!)

If you arrive late please know that you may be turned away. While entering a few minutes late may seem like no big deal, it is very disruptive to both the instructor and the other clients. We please ask that you arrive at least 10 mins in advance for classes.


We workout in close quarters and once we start getting our sweat on, we can become nose-deaf to our own odor. Yes, thats right people.....nose-deaf!! You may not be aware that your wore too much scented spray or that your workout clothes stink or that your "natural body odor" may be almost knocking out your neighbor. These odors can completely ruin someone else's workout. Nobody wants to be labeled as "nose-deaf"...... so besides all the obvious things like showering and wearing deodorant, please wash your workout gear before you wear it again....double dipping builds bacteria that causes the offensive odors as soon as you start to sweat again! So even if your workout gear passes the sniff test for a second wear......don't do it!!!!

Also, please give consideration to keeping shirts on while working out. We love when clients are proud of their bodies but less clothes means more flying sweat during burpees and box jumps. We are proud of all the sweat that happens in this building but if its flying onto your neighbor and their equipment, then its just gross.

Thank you in advance for all of your help in creating a positive environment to get healthy in!


The State of Massachusetts has lifted mask requirements and limited capacity requirements. While we are still running at lower capacity, masks are optional.

If you are visiting us you no longer need to provide any covid test or proof of vaccination. You can just make a reservation online and then show up.